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Present A Webinar To Our Members

Family Office Networks is expanding its Family Office Webinar Series to meet increased demand from its family office members who continue to seek favorable investment opportunities and insights on business best practices in a volatile market.

In addition to hosting webinars on private deals, webinars are also popular among attorneys, CPAs, wealth managers and other firms seeking to access family offices that are often difficult to reach. Since family offices are currently re-evaluating their portfolio, systems and outside teams, it is an ideal time to get in front of key decision makers who are dedicated to business continuity – even during this time of massive disruption.

Webinar hosts receive one-on-one training from FON’s dedicated team to setup the webinar for them and train them on how to use the software in the days prior to the event. A team member is always on hand at the start of the webinar to assist in launching it and will remain on for the duration to answer any questions that may arise. The presenter also will have one or both of our phone numbers to communicate silently via text messaging to answer those questions.
Family office investors who sign up to participate are able to ask questions via chat which are typically addressed by the presenter at the conclusion of the presentation. Attendees receive a video of the webinar the day after along with any handouts and webinars are also hosted on the FON website.