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Huvr Travelers can visit any city by virtually teleporting into a Huvr Walker in real time for an unprecedented safe and affordable travel experience where they have full control over where they go, what they see and when they see it.

HUVR The Future of Travel in a Pandemic World

Come join the Family Office Networks Webinar Series featuring Huvr. Huvr is a unique and Patent Pending mobile app for IOS, Android and Smart TV platforms that connects virtual travelers to Human VR (Huvr) walkers. Huvr Travelers can visit any city by virtually teleporting into a Huvr Walker in real time for an unprecedented safe and affordable travel experience where they have full control over where they go, what they see and when they see it.

Huvr uses a two-sided marketplace similar to popular ride sharing apps like Uber and Lift, which means we will be creating much needed jobs around the world, within the “new normal” paradigm, while generating a very nice margin for our company and investors.

What you will learn from this webinar

  • How Huvr is creating a Covid friendly gig opportunity for people all around the World.
  • How Huvr is poised to be the most influential company to come out of the Pandemic.
  • How Huvr plans to be profitable in the first year following the app launch.

For the Huvr Walkers, we offer a Covid-Friendly, income-producing opportunity where we provide targeted customers through the Huvr App who are specifically looking for an amazing virtual travel experience.